Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Blue Cell Intel Summary Vol.2 Issue 12

Needless to say 2012 has been quite a year for The Blue Cell and its varied interests. The company closes out December with clients in 38 states and territories; we have three international clients; Blue Cell and Command School TTX contractors participated in five incidents around the country including the historic wild fires in the west and Hurricane Sandy in the east. Last month’s blog illustrated changes that are underway with regard to deployments services from lessons learned this year. As a company we are now also involved in the future of the emergency management profession with our volunteer affiliation with Warren Techs Emergency Management Program in Lakewood, Colorado.

Looking forward to 2013, the following initiatives are underway. All of the web presences of the Blue Cell, fourteen in total, are being consolidated and linked through one web portal. Additions to The Blue Cell web presences will include Calamity City (the tactical side of Chelsea County USA), Studio BC (our online live training room), The Blue Cell Planning Forum (an online community for emergency planners to share information) and new products in the Blue Cell store.

To better serve our growing customer base, a greater emphasis will be placed on our cellular business model. Today, this concept is used by both the good guys and the bad guys in the terrorism / anti-terrorism world. From its inception over three years ago, The Blue Cell, for a variety of reasons, used this approach in its basic day to day actions. In addition to operational security and improved specialized effectiveness, the other benefit that we have experienced is that all clients still have direct access to the owner. Different cells are then brought to bear on the issue as needed. The cellular approach also increases overall effectiveness since differing entities have skill sets that, when combined, enhance the product being delivered. The ability to customize training, exercises, consulting, technical and even deployment services is made easier since the vision is shared from the beginning by a small group. In the event that for any reason a client is not completely satisfied, the client has only one place to go to get answers and solutions. No bureaucracy, no rules inhibiting fixing the problem, no excuses, just pure accountability and renewed customer satisfaction.

I want to thank all of the clients, students, exercise participants and especially my contractors for another great year, and I can’t wait to get started in 2013. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

 Todd Manns, Owner
The Blue Cell, LLC and Command School TTX

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Blue Cell Intel Summary Vol.2 Issue 11

Blue Cell Formalizes Deployments Services Group Processes and Capabilities

The Blue Cell, LLC is proud to announce the operational timeline for the official launch of its Deployment Services Group (DSG). Under conceptual development for the past year, the official launch was delayed by the acquisition of Command School TTX. However, that particular delay created the catalyst; in the development process, the decision was made to add logistic and planning support capabilities to the deployment packages. The packages are designed in 2 to 6 person elements to support incident command posts, emergency operations centers and private industry locations in real world incidents.
From a system perspective, the state-to-state mutual aid agreement that would be used is called the Emergency Management Assistance Compact. This national system has been ratified by Congress in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Unfortunately, because the sending state makes the decision as to whom to offer up and send to the requesting state, the wrong tool has often been sent to do the job. States lacking credentialing systems or with other leadership and or management flaws have had a tendency to make incorrect decisions on whom they deploy.
To best serve our customers from a deployment services perspective, The Blue Cell, LLC has taken the following steps. All Blue Cell, LLC contracts and agreements from its other service groups (training, exercise, consulting and technical) now automatically includes a clause allowing customers to access the Blue Cells deployments services in a real world emergency. The Blue Cell, LLC now carries its own errors and omission, liability and workman compensation insurance package specific to deployment situations. The Blue Cells updated website will include, on its deployment services page, short dossiers on its deployment personnel. Those personnel effective January 1st will carry a Blue Cell issued credential that is QR bar coded. That bar code can be read by any smart phone and takes the reader to a password protected long dossier page for the resource. This page will include additional information on the resource and a scanned pdf copy of every certification and credential the resource has that can be downloaded and printed.
To enhance the DSG capabilities The Blue Cell is pursuing “Pro”contracts with an independent communications company, several companies with private jets to support getting the DSG to disaster areas, additional aerial photography capabilities and the top tactical gear supplier to keep the DSG outfitted.
The last step the DSG will employ is called check down. The process is how The Blue Cell, LLC will quickly assess the readiness status of DSG members, make direct contact with specific clients and, in event of a deployment, decide whether the direct contract clause is appropriate, a secondary contract is needed or if EMAC is the route to take to get the DSG moving to the client. In support of this new capability, the technical services group is making upgrades to The Blue Cell app. The company is working with the leading custom trailer manufacturers and Reeves ICP on a 35 foot deployment trailer to support its specific operational needs. The trailer will adorn a new DSG logo upon completion.
Like many things, the public sector needs private enterprise to enhance its efforts. The world of incident command and emergency management is no different. This endeavour for the company is a huge step in making our other service groups stronger, because there is no substitute for real world experience.     

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Blue Cell Intel Summary Vol. 2 Issue 10

Command School TTX Exercise for the Kansas NE IMT's and Hazmat Team at KDEM

            I had the recent pleasure to work for Todd Manns, owner of The Blue Cell LLC, at a table top exercise held at the Kansas Department Emergency Management in Topeka, Kansas.  I have not known Todd very long, but I know his passion for emergency management.  I first met him at training in Manhattan, Kansas at resource unit leader class.  I sat in this class and was amazed at how little I actually knew. I found Todd’s teaching style was perfect for me; he kept my interest and I learned.  I was worried about how I would pass the test and told then “Mr. Manns” my fears.  He reassured me that it would not be as hard as what I had begun to fear.  He helped me and, surprisingly enough, he was right.  I found Todd’s teaching style was perfect for me. 
            Since then, I have attended eight additional classes with Todd and The Blue Cell’s team of instructors and have learned something new every time. Even while watching the Planning P video, almost every time I have taken something new away.  The class in Topeka on Tuesday was a new opportunity for me as Todd had asked me to assist him with the class.  It was mostly grunt work on my end, but I was able to observe the scenario and the Chelsea County/Tyler Town set up. This observation still increased my knowledge of incident management.

            The Blue Cell set up of Chelsea County/Tyler Town allowed IMT’s, hazmat teams and search and rescue teams an opportunity to work together and to work through the scenario in an as realistic situation as possible without having put people in harm’s way.  The scenario was a tornado struck Tyler Town’s industrial park, airport and town.  The town is a metropolis of 1 million people and encompassing 85,000 square miles.  Now, of course, you cannot set up a diorama that reflects that actual size or you would need several buildings to accomplish that feat.  However, with The Blue Cell’s recent purchase of Command School TTX, a company specializing in Table Top exercises, the exercise was very realistic. 

             The day started out with setting up cars in the model town.  This was like a dream come true for a big kid like myself.  Playing with Matchbox© cars and scale version buildings on giant canvases allowed the teams to see a situation, lay hands on it, and own it.  A cadre of radios was utilized to give realistic communications problems between too many people with radios, dead batteries and people walking over the top of each other.  COML's had to work hard to rectify some of these issues.  I heard one of the team members grumbling about having to waste his time “driving to another part of town” because no one was listening to the radio.  There were several command trailers set up in the parking lot of KDEM and, realistically, the worker had to leave the command center and respond inside the building to find the team leader to get the information he needed, but in a real life situation he would have been driving a long distance to check on the welfare of the team leader and his team.
            Lunch was served in so the groups could have a working lunch.  Even though there may not have been a lot work going on over lunch, there certainly was a large amount of conversation going on.  After lunch, the exercise continued on a little longer.

            At the conclusion of the day, the group was brought back together as a whole.  The discussion was directed towards what was learned.  There were several positives discussed, but the main topic of discussion was the weaknesses.  These were pointed out and a plan was put in place to address them.  This was one of the more important things that happened in this day as we grow and learn from addressing our weaknesses constructively.
             These events are helpful of course for the exercises, but more importantly, is the team building and rapport that goes on.  From my first class, I have met so many different people from different communities and disciplines.  These bonds are built through exercises of turmoil, bonds become strong and long lasting.  When real life disasters do occur, the periods of forming and norming do not take as long and the teams can begin performing as we are familiar with each other.  The communities in north east Kansas are being served well by these dedicated and committed men and women. 

Great job Blue Cell and thanks for the opportunity Todd!!!
Steve Taylor
Exercise Specialist
The Blue Cell, LLC

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Blue Cell Intel Summary Vol. 2 Issue 9


The Blue Cell took a monumental step this week with its first classes in the great and very big state of Alaska. In a year of milestones, the achievements this week in Fairbanks may top the list. The acquisition of Command School TTX on paper and on the balance sheet will probably be remembered in future years, but here are a few things about the Alaska adventure.

The initial conversations with the Fairbanks North Star Borough (the county) were generated solely off of The Blue Cell website; this was a first for the company The Blue Cell has grown in each of its three previous years by referral and customer retention, volume pricing and great customized deliveries. In the case of obtaining this new customer, they plugged something into Google and we popped up. They then simply called the 800 number. Interestingly enough, I was the Midwest at the time teaching and happened to be on a break when our 800 service found my phone and rang me. The 907 area code didn’t throw me off because I quickly miss read it as a 970 area (a common area code in Colorado). The lady on the phone simply wanted a price quote for two FEMA G level classes. I was able to send her to our web store and immediately give her a number to work with. In subsequent conversations, she requested information on our past performance with FEMA classes. I was able to provide her with the emails of 7 state training officers we regularly do business with. In the email to her, I actually copied all of the STO’s. From that point on it was contract time and we were off and running.

During the deliveries this week of Community Mass Care Management and Evacuation and Re-Entry Planning, Hurricane Isaac was pounding the Gulf Coast providing me the opportunity to use contemporary issues in the classroom, create discussion questions, and real mission topics and even assign a little homework. The challenges of isolation, extreme weather conditions and unique governmental structures and laws made for great interactions in the two classes, allowing enhanced think-tanking and planning strategies.

The class also had a University of Alaska Fairbanks graduate student in attendance who has been working on an evacuation / GIS project in conjunction with the Borough that is the most comprehensive and well put together data set I have ever seen. Kate Schaefer’s short presentation on the final day of the week was very impressive and demonstrated what can be done with a clear mission, direction and talented people that are motivated and hard working. Thank you Kate. I also have to thank Randy Pommenville, Emergency Management Coordinator for the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, the participants from the Red Cross and the strategic partners from Fort Wainwright. Lastly I have especially thanks to Stephanie Reynolds and Emergency Manager Craig Malloy for this opportunity, and to all of my new friends in the 49th state. Quyana. I hope to see you all again soon.
Todd Manns
Owner, The Blue Cell, LLC

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Aurora Theater Shooting

             On Friday, July 20, 2012, a heavily armed gunman entered Theater Nine of Aurora, Colorado’s Century 16 movie theater and opened fire. The crowd, who was in attendance for the midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises, consisted of families, students, armed forces members, young professionals and cinematic enthusiasts. As horrified movie goers began to dispurse in a haze of gun fire and confusion, twelve people were killed and at least 58 others were injured. In the days following the shooting, the local, national and international community surrounded those who were lost and survivors with unprecendented love and support. The local media continues to report stories of true heroism in the face of unimaginable circumstances that provoke internal reflection.

            The Aurora Theater Tragedy, as dubbed by local media outlets, occurred just eleven miles from The Blue Cell, LLC main office. Several of the companies principals have called Aurora, Colorado home for over 40 years. The Blue Cell, LLC offers its endless condolences for the victims, families, friends and community affected by the shooting.

Chelsea Manns

Contracts and Aquisitions Group Lead
The Blue Cell, LLC

Sunday, July 1, 2012


           I’ve been sitting through training classes for the last few years and have just started teaching them recently. Do you ever sit in some of these classes and wonder what you’re really getting out of them? You learn the principles, objectives and the way that things should be done, but when can you really apply them? Exercises are great to practice, but they’re also just training. In the last two months, I have seen it all come together; experiences in not only ICS, but leadership, management and even some of those preverbal ‘judo’ classes have been eye opening.

            In April 2012, I got a call from the Commerce City Police Department asking for me to come do Plans and Logistics for the operation at a landfill in their search for a missing, yet presumed deceased, baby. I’ve been in Emergency Management for four years and never thought a request like that would come in. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I had been on some small fires that only lasted one operational period, but this was expected to last for weeks. I jumped at the opportunity to go help in such a sad situation, and if anything, to help bring justice to this child. My first day, I arrived on scene and the first thing that hit me was the smell. We were in the middle of a landfill and had 2.5 acres of trash, 20 feet high, to sift through. We had eight IMT members there every day, sitting in the mobile command post in the middle of trash, filling the Command and General Staff roles; I had never done plans so that was a new experience. We had the responsibility of the IAP each day and check in/check out, and we also helped out with volunteer management. Logistics was a little different than what I was used to as well. We had to shop every day for water, Gatorade and snacks since we never knew when the operation would end. The catering was scheduled to bring lunch every day, but we didn’t need 40 pallets of stuff hanging around that we had no place to put. I had some strange requests too…one of the workers had asked for essential oils to put in his mask so he didn’t have to smell the trash. I also quickly figured out that law enforcement operations are vastly different from fire operations. This operation was extremely small, roughly 40-50 people on scene each day with only a day shift operational period. Fire operations, in contrast, can have a couple thousand people working through the night and can last for weeks at a time. The main agencies that worked each day were the Army and Air National Guard, Douglas County OEM and numerous volunteers. The operation lasted 53 days before the infant’s body was recovered.

            Only a few weeks later, I was deployed to the High Park Fire in Ft. Collins, CO. I was deployed as an Ordering Manager Trainee with the Rocky Mountain Type 2 IMT and was held over for a week with the Type 1 team. We had four Ordering Managers, three Supply Unit Leaders and three Logistics Section Chiefs that I worked with specifically. Our process was having an order filled out on a 213 General Message and ordering items through Expanded Dispatch with the Forest Service dispatch center in Ft. Collins. Ordering was hectic at times because of all of the info needed to order something specifically, we had to run around and find the person who ordered it and find out. Until supplies could be properly ordered, such as living arrangements, many of us slept in our vehicles. That can really take a lot of time! I’ve had years of training classes and working on an incident of this magnitude made them click; it all came together . The ICS components finally seemed to make sense and watching some things like the chain of command work really made sense. We’re taught a certain way to do things and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. ICS works. I ordered more supplies then I can name, overhead that came in every day and equipment and crews that I didn’t know existed. The High Park Fire was a priceless learning experience and now I feel more confident in teaching ICS.

           The experiences I’ve had in the last month have been monumental for me. I’ve learned more than I ever thought I could, met some amazing people who love to share what they know and have a much better handle on ICS. It’s not often that someone can say “I truly love my job” but I am one of the lucky people that can.

Cherie Abbott
The Blue Cell, LLC

Friday, June 1, 2012



            In March 2012, talks began between east coast emergency management exercise company, Command School TTX, and The Blue Cell, LLC in hopes of merging the two brands to create a decisive name in Emergency Planning Concepts. Though each company operates in different FEMA regions, a combination of Rocky Mountain/Midwest and New England/East Coast training, exercise and real world disaster knowledge could spell dynamic success for both companies. This merger comes as a result of a combination of factors, including The Blue Cell, LLC’s aspirations of becoming a national household name for its practical, yet simple, execution of FEMA training and exercise programs.

            Currently, each company has its own individual area of expertise in Emergency Planning. The Blue Cell, LLC’s continued growth in five of the Rocky Mountain states is fueled by the quintessential piece of Emergency Planning success; training. With one of the most exhaustive lists of training courses offered in the industry, including the creation, development, and application of the Advance Planning Course, or APC, The Blue Cell, LLC is poised to be a leader in FEMA training nationally.

            Command School TTX, however, acquired its notoriety through the creation of Abbottville™, a miniature diorama of an existing city used to enhance the exercise portion of Emergency Planning Concepts. The brain child of retired Division Chief with the Warren Township Fire Department in Indianapolis, Indiana, Don Abbott, the Abbottville™  diorama exercise has said to have been “like no other class” and “the best by far” in the industry according to professionals who have been taken through the Abbottville™ exercise. 

            While it may appear that these two companies function under very different ideals as to what is the most important aspect of Emergency Planning, both current owners of each company are quoted as being “very excited” about the progression of the merger. The combination of advanced training with experienced instructors and the innovative diorama looks to be the next step in expanding the field of Emergency Planning, and The Blue Cell, LLC is at the center of what may be a bright future. Talks between Brian Long, owner of Command School TTX, and Todd Manns continue as the logistics of a final agreement are being arranged. It is expected that by June 1, 2012 Command School TTX will be a fully operational subsidiary of The Blue Cell, LLC.

Chelsea Manns

Contracts and Aquisitions Group Lead
The Blue Cell, LLC

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


When is the last time that you participated in an exercise with over 800,000 people?  That’s exactly what happened in the Salt Lake valley of Utah the week of April 16th 2012 during the Great Utah Shakeout.  The Salt Lake valley sits on the Wasatch fault and is primed for a potential massive earthquake. The statewide disaster exercise simulated a magnitude 7.0 earthquake, the destruction that would follow, and the steps emergency managers would need to take in the initial response stage. 

The Blue Cell sent several members to Utah as a part of a Colorado contingency tasked with evaluating and mentoring various IMT3’s and EOC’s. Randy Freed, Training and Exercise Services Group Lead, worked with and evaluated the Planning Section of the Salt Lake City EOC in downtown Salt Lake City.  Travis Bailey, Deployment Services Group Lead, evaluated the Unified Fire IMT3 Logistics Section of the ICP located in Herriman City on the southwest side of the Salt Lake valley. 

FEMA Region VIII used Utah as a pilot for the IMT3 program and this large-scale exercise was a capstone for the last two years of education that has been grant funded. Since I worked exclusively in the Unified Fire ICP, I will share some thoughts on that portion of the exercise.

Building a fully capable IMT3 is a somewhat daunting task when you are starting from scratch. However, that is exactly what Unified Fire Authority (UFA) and the State of Utah set out to do.  They have been aggressively sending team members to trainings throughout the Rocky Mountain Region and conducting their own exercises for the past 24 months.  The Blue Cell has participated in and taught some of the classes that were instrumental in this education.  From position specific classes in the Planning section to Command and General Staff exercises, we have been able to see this group become a team. This is a testament to the members of the UFA and their partners, showing what is possible when all members of a team share a common goal.

The exercise employed one of the basic tenants of ICS: home unit rank or position does not matter in ICS.  We were able to see a large fire department with a rigid hierarchy put rank aside and work as a team.  This is not an easy task for many, and a common failure in the new collaborative world of All-Hazard IMT3’s.

As we left the exercise at the After Action Review (AAR), I was impressed to hear them all acknowledge the good work they had put in, and begin the process of identifying deficiencies and needs.  These types of full-scale exercises are undertaken to recognize shortcomings that need to be corrected before the actual incident; however, it is just as important to point out the positives. If the goal at the beginning of this project was to create fully functioning All-Hazard IMT3, then they clearly have accomplished their goal.

Travis Bailey
Deployment Services Group Lead

Sunday, April 1, 2012



As spring begins, the country's weather changes the enviromental threats Emergency Personell must handle. Dry conditions in the west have signaled the official start of wildfire season and the tornadoes over the first part of year have caused emergency resources to launch into action in the midwest. The Blue Cell Technical Services Group continues to develop and refine tools for first responders in various application (app) formats in hopes of keeping up with the changing conditions.

The Blue Cell has strived to keep up with the rapidly changing technology seen in the private sector. The addition of its mobile applications has made national resources readily available for use during incidents and exercises and to allow access to documents even when out of cell range. Recent updates to The Blue Cell app include the addition of field operations guides from FEMA, USAID, the United States Coast Guard and the National Urban Search & Rescue. This particular app also has the Federal Acronyms and Terms book, the FEMA position checklist, ICS forms and FEMA resource typing.

For wildfire responders a separate app called Wildland Fire Tools features Fire orders, Watchout Situations, Size up, Briefing Checklists, the Incident Response Pocket Guide, the 310-1, the Fireline Handbook and weather links to NOAA.     

For more information visit for links to these applications. Applying and sharing our beliefs is our passion. We aspire to continue to provide the aids needed to successfully and safely confront the changing weather conditions nationwide. Both The Blue Cell and Wildland Fire Tools apps are available for no charge to download.

Shane Doyon, Technical Service Group Lead, The Blue Cell, LLC

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Blue Cell Intel Summary Vol. 2 Issue 3

Yesterday in Gunnison, Colorado, the much anticipated Incident Leadership and Decisions (ILD) Game was conducted. The ILD is a Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program compliant, eight hour session that took twenty participants through a very involved scenario based on one of the fifteen DHS national planning scenarios. Set in The Blue Cell, LLC’s Chelsea County USA web environment, teams competed for a score against each other while resource managing, problem solving and practicing leadership principles.
Prior to the gaming session, two lecture segments, one specifically on leadership and the other on the Incident Management Decision Making Process, were conducted. Within the Chelsea County USA web environment, resources lists, maps, live emails and a live phone number to dispatch were made available. To enhance the hundreds of typed resources within the Chelsea County website, exact matches of all of the vehicles being deployed were used on a twenty foot long gaming board to maintain a common operating picture for all of the players. Teams were also supplied with the Chelsea County USA emergency operations plan, county mutual aid agreement and county budget.
 This unique approach to exercise is what was envisioned years ago by the developers of HSEEP and now it is available to emergency managers, incident response personnel and community leaders.
This exercise can also count as an annual exercise for those required to do so as part of a granting program. As part of the service, The Blue Cell, LLC supplies the complete situation manual, master scenario events list, and completed exercise evaluation guide making this product truly innovative.
For more information on this exciting new approach to exercising and training, go to . On our website under the training and exercise tab located on the left side of the screen, testimonials from participants from the debut delivery are available; under the situation unit tab, click on our Youtube channel  to watch video from the session;  within our web store, pricing information is available to help bring the ILD to you.
Todd Manns, Owner, The Blue Cell, LLC

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Blue Intel Summary Vol. 2 Issue 2

Instructing: the act of imparting information.  How many classes have you attended that the instructor either has no idea what he is supposed to teach or is obviously there for his own self aggrandizement?
The older I get, the more resentful I become of those who waste my time.  I also am hyper aware of people who are obviously not prepared and try to bluff their way through a class.  The little things show up first; they seem lost, they try to schmooze and be the party guy.  My favorite is the instructor who will put on the mask of the big wig, so superior; he obviously has nothing to say but that doesn’t keep him from talking insistently.  I too, however, love the sound of my own voice.  But for me, there is always the overriding desire to send the pupil away with information that will serve them in an incident.
I have had the dubious honor of being on a wide variety of incidents: tornados, floods, blizzards, wild land fires, the Columbine School shooting, disease outbreaks, civil disorder, and hurricanes. Being on the dark side of age 50, I am over myself.  These incidents have real consequences for real living people. 
FEMA has issued curriculum for ICS classes.  It is considered, tested and proven in the field.  The books have been printed, the power point issued.   The remaining wild card is the instructor. I happen to work for a company that values pure instruction.  Yes, I know that I am blessed.  We, as a company, deliver the ICS curriculum as it is written.  We infuse the material with our own personal experiences to illustrate a point, but the material itself is unaltered. The written material then becomes all the more relevant when coupled with our field experience.
Imagine having a class taught by someone with no experience.  It would seem all academic with a lack of field experience or testing. It is apparent, however, that the prevailing thought is that anyone can teach ICS classes.  I vehemently disagree.  The curriculum is too important to be left to amateurs.   I assert that these classes must be instructed by those who have actually been on the ground in a command or general staff role.
In my previous career, there was an axiom: “If you dont have time to do it right, when are you going to have time to do it over?”  There is too much at stake to have inexperienced, unwilling and unmotivated people delivering training.
Be prudent in hiring.

Randy Freed
Training and Exercise Services Group Lead
The Blue Cell, LLC

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Blue Cell Intel Summary, Vol 2. Issue 1

The Blue Cell begins 2012 with a number of initiatives and expansions.  As much as this blog reflects an attempt to organize and reflect on my thoughts, I do have to be cognizant not to give away any intellectually competitive advantage.

The company as we enter our third year will, for the first time, have an organizational structure that demonstrates our various expanding interests. We have developed five groups:

·         Training and Exercise

·         Consulting Services

·         Deployment Services

·         Technical Services

·         Contracts and Acquisitions

 Each of these groups now has an identified leader.  We are also starting the year with six new contractors, added three new products that are available in training, a new flagship exercise specific product and two new consulting service areas (legal subject matter, expert testimony and architectural security). Our simulation environment, Chelsea County USA, continues to grow and, when combined with our new simulation table, this training tool now can be used three dimensionally. Deployment Services continues its preparedness and will take possession of a new vehicle and field trailer in the spring. The company has also secured several agreements, professional contracts, and an exclusive airlift contract out of Centennial Airport in Colorado for 2012 to assist this group. Technical services launches our new look to the website today and we now have The Blue Cell app available on the Amazon App store for download.  Our own web store also has a new manager. The Blue Cell production studio, which is under develoment, debuts with its first commercial web broadcast training in two weeks. We will also be finalizing the hiring of a Contracts and Acquisitions lead in the first quarter.

In business, one theory is the first year you get out there, you start doing your thing and you make mistakes; the more mistakes you make the better. In the second year, you correct the mistakes from the first and, of course, try to not repeat any of the first year mistakes. If you make to the third year, still have the drive and have acquired a few talented folks along the way to help you, it is time to rock and roll. With all of this said, I guess I should make it official; it is time to start the music.   

Todd Manns, Owner, The Blue Cell, LLC