Yesterday in Gunnison, Colorado, the much anticipated Incident Leadership and Decisions (ILD) Game was conducted. The ILD is a Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program compliant, eight hour session that took twenty participants through a very involved scenario based on one of the fifteen DHS national planning scenarios. Set in The Blue Cell, LLC’s Chelsea County USA web environment, teams competed for a score against each other while resource managing, problem solving and practicing leadership principles.
Prior to the gaming session, two lecture segments, one specifically on leadership and the other on the Incident Management Decision Making Process, were conducted. Within the Chelsea County USA web environment, resources lists, maps, live emails and a live phone number to dispatch were made available. To enhance the hundreds of typed resources within the Chelsea County website, exact matches of all of the vehicles being deployed were used on a twenty foot long gaming board to maintain a common operating picture for all of the players. Teams were also supplied with the Chelsea County USA emergency operations plan, county mutual aid agreement and county budget.
This unique approach to exercise is what was envisioned years ago by the developers of HSEEP and now it is available to emergency managers, incident response personnel and community leaders.
This exercise can also count as an annual exercise for those required to do so as part of a granting program. As part of the service, The Blue Cell, LLC supplies the complete situation manual, master scenario events list, and completed exercise evaluation guide making this product truly innovative.
For more information on this exciting new approach to exercising and training, go to www.thebluecell.com . On our website under the training and exercise tab located on the left side of the screen, testimonials from participants from the debut delivery are available; under the situation unit tab, click on our Youtube channel to watch video from the session; within our web store, pricing information is available to help bring the ILD to you.
Todd Manns, Owner, The Blue Cell, LLC