On Friday, July 20,
2012, a heavily armed gunman entered Theater Nine of Aurora, Colorado’s Century
16 movie theater and opened fire. The crowd, who was in attendance for the
midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises,
consisted of families, students, armed forces members, young professionals and
cinematic enthusiasts. As horrified movie goers began to dispurse in a haze of
gun fire and confusion, twelve people were killed and at least 58 others were
injured. In the days following the shooting, the local, national and international
community surrounded those who were lost and survivors with unprecendented love
and support. The local media continues to report stories of true heroism in the
face of unimaginable circumstances that provoke internal reflection.
The Aurora Theater Tragedy, as dubbed by local media outlets, occurred just eleven miles from The Blue Cell, LLC main office. Several of the companies principals have called Aurora, Colorado home for over 40 years. The Blue Cell, LLC offers its endless condolences for the victims, families, friends and community affected by the shooting.
Chelsea Manns
Contracts and Aquisitions Group Lead
The Blue Cell, LLC