Friday, February 1, 2013

The Blue Cell Intel Summary Vol.3 Issue 2

The Blue Cell, LLC Responds to the Recent Rise in School Violence with The Comprehensive Emergency Management Program for Educational Institutions

With the expansion of The Blue Cell, LLC through the recent acquisition of Command School TTX, the number of products and services The Blue Cell, LLC offers has notably increased.  In an effort to simplify the process of choosing the products and services that are most suitable for your organization, The Blue Cell, LLC has created package options which can be modified to fit the specific training, exercise, and consulting needs of your organization. The Blue Cell, LLC offers courses in the following categories: Incident Command System, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Emergency Management Series, Leadership Series, and Advanced Planning Concepts (The Blue Cell’s flagship training course).  In order for your organization to receive the specific training, exercise, and consulting services you need, The Blue Cell will feature package options highlighting courses available within the categories listed above.  The featured package for the month of February is The Comprehensive Emergency Management Program (CEMP) for Educational Institutions.

In light of recent terrorism events at our nation’s schools, as well as historical criminal acts against our students that date to the mid 1990’s, The Blue Cell, LLC and Command School TTX have created a number of individual product sets that specifically address educational institutions’ safety and security.

As a potential solution, The Blue Cell, LLC has established The Comprehensive Emergency Management Program for Educational Institutions. As we all search for answers to protect our students, the only approach in our experience is risk based ideas and actions to reduce vulnerabilities.

While our package options will be modifiable, The Blue Cell, LLC encourages educators to embrace this package in its entirety versus selecting portions of the program.  This approach will ensure the greatest reduction of risk and harden the institution’s vulnerabilities while ultimately increasing student and staff safety and security.  The Planning components of the program include a Risk and Vulnerability Assessment, a Security Assessment, Plan Review, and Plan Synchronization.  The Training components include courses in Incident Command System, Protecting Soft Targets, Understanding and Planning for School Bomb Incidents, and Multi-Hazard Planning for Schools.  Two exercises are suggested for this package, a table top exercise for school staff personnel and a functional exercise for both school staff personnel and outside agencies.  The program then ties each component together by conducting a plan review, making any necessary adjustments discovered throughout the process, and then implementing the plan.

The Blue Cell, LLC is compelled to use their expertise in the field of planning, training, and exercising for disasters and emergencies to help reduce and ultimately eliminate the violence occurring in our nation’s educational institutions. 

Contact Ashley Cox at to learn more about The Comprehensive Emergency Management Program for Educational Institutions and start the process of protecting your school today.

Ashley Cox, Acquisitions 
The Blue Cell, LLC and Command School TTX